"The Steve Pavlina Templates for The Journal" are 20 custom journaling exercises based on material from StevePavlina.com, including exercises to help you:
- Discover your life purpose.
- Take the first step in creating a rewarding, fulfilling, meaningful life.
- Evaluate your progress.
- Get a check-up on how you're doing in 11 key areas of your life.
- Identify your core values.
- Learn what's most important to you in life.
- Craft an intention.
- Form an intention or set a new goal using powerful, positive language.
- Live congruently.
- Balance your life to create alignment between your needs, abilities, desires, and purpose.
- Assess your relationships.
- Which relationships are supporting you? Which are holding you back?
- Kick off a 30-day challenge.
- Install a positive new habit. Overcome a bad habit.
- Develop your character.
- Build your self-discipline, courage, and compassion.
- Solve problems.
- Apply different perspectives to zero in on a practical solution.
- Gain clarity.
- Discover valuable new insights about your life.
- Cultivate a positive attitude.
- Learn to see the good and uncover the hidden lessons in life's many challenges.
- and much more...